Batman: Nightwalker: Review


This novel was fast paced and addicting, not going to lie. The only major problem I had with the book was the changes to the traditional Bruce Wayne’s life story: Bruce got his train to fight by going to the gym, he was best friends with Harvey Dent, Madeleine Wallace is not a character in any of the comics and neither is Dianne. The love Bruce and Madeleine supposedly felt felt forced to me, and I didn’t think is was necessary for there to be a love interest in this book.  The other frustrating aspect of the novel was that batman was not in it; Bruce Wayne was, but not batman. The title of the book should have been Bruce Wayne: Nightwalker. I wish that the author had included a known villain into to plot somehow, that would have spiced things up a bit. I loved how Bruce was introduced to Gordon at the end, and a strong bond of friendship was formed. Marie Lu was also brilliant about the way she wrote Bruce and Alfred’s relationship, I loved it.

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